Who Are the Mennonites?
Shared Convictions
Mennonites exist around the world. New York Mennonite Conference is a part of the family of Christian communities around the world. https://mwc-cmm.org/shared-convictions
Mennonite Church USA
Include link to the MC-USA short video.
MC Canada
Mennonite Organizations in North America
Mennonite Mission Network: https://www.mennonitemission.net/
Mennonite Church Canada: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/
Mennonite Central Committee: https://mcc.org/
MennoMedia: https://www.mennomedia.org/
Mennonite Disaster Service: https://mds.mennonite.net/
Everence: https://www.everence.com/
Mennonite Women USA: https://mennonitewomenusa.org/