Who Are the Mennonites?


Shared Convictions

Mennonites exist around the world. New York Mennonite Conference is a part of the family of Christian communities around the world. Mennonite World Conference is made up of 110 Mennonite and Brethren in Christ national church groups in 61 countries. This includes 1.45 baptized believers in 10,180 congregations. https://mwc-cmm.org/shared-convictions

Mennonite Church USA

Link to MC USA website: https://www.mennoniteusa.org/

Link to “Who are the Mennonites” video on the MC USA website: https://www.mennoniteusa.org/who-are-mennonites/

Mennonite Church Canada

Link to MC Canada: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/

Third Way-Mennonite News (formerly Third Way Cafe) is a website with “everything you need to know about Amish, Mennonites and Anabaptist values”. If you have ever wondered what Mennonites believe about Community, Jesus, Peace, Simplicity, Service, or Justice, you will find answers here!

Link to Third Way-Mennonite News website: https://thirdwaycafe.com/mennonites/

Link to “Who are the Mennonites?” video on the Third Way-Mennonite News website: https://thirdwaycafe.com/mennonites/who-are-the-mennonites/

Mennonite Organizations in North America

Mennonite Mission Network: https://www.mennonitemission.net/

Mennonite Church Canada: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/

Mennonite Central Committee: https://mcc.org/

MennoMedia: https://www.mennomedia.org/

Mennonite Disaster Service: https://mds.mennonite.net/

Everence: https://www.everence.com/

Mennonite Women USA: https://mennonitewomenusa.org/